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Hi, I'm Jonathan! This blog is new, and I will publish articles about my interests and various things I've been working on. From time to time, I might share some notes on a topic, tutorials, or thoughts that have been on my mind.

Personal background

I grew up in Benoni, South Africa and studied Electrical Engineering in Cape Town.

I started out my career at Eskom Distribution after they graciously sponsored my bachelor studies. My time working there to be highly enjoyable and satisfying. I got to work with many amazing people with decades of experience in the power industry.

About the name "Uncommon sense"

Back during my first year of university, I had a lecturer who taught us Electrical Engineering 1 that we shall call "Mr Green". Whenever someone asked him a question that he deemed stupid, he would respond with "But that's just common sense!".

I aim to write some things that are not just "common sense".


The world is a complex place. I like to break things down into useful, actionable insights. Often things get overcomplicated when they don't need to be. It becomes hard to distil this deluge of information.

One of the things I'm currently interested in are personal health & health span - with my favourite source of information being Peter Attia. I really enjoy the way him and his team think and approach the various topics they discuss in his Podcast.

In the gym I like to get a full body workout, doing a variety of exercises and then usually follow up with some squats and deadlifts. The aim isn't to be the best now. The aim is to be fit and healthy for when I'm 100.


What are the most effective approaches to integrate renewable energy into the power grid?

Regenerative agriculture

Firm believer that nature knows best but can use a little bit of help from us along the way.

How can we use technology in combination with regenerative agriculture to feed the planet and help solve climate change?


Without health, one has nothing.

A healthy person has many problems, an unhealthy person has just one. How can one break down the key metrics to a healthy life and implement these wherever possible.


Discovering simple rules that one can take to maximise health-span and reduce healthcare costs.


Exercise is a necessity to life and mental well-being. I have cycled many kilometres, run many miles, and lifted many weights.

Mental wellbeing

What things can one do to stay mentally sane, reduce anxiety and stress?